CGC Registry

On Ice

Set Type: Captain America #100-#454
Owner: Ducky 1560
Last Modified: 11/1/2021
Views: 581

Rank: 89
Score: 1383
Leading by: 16
Points to Higher Rank: 16
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1970583009 Slot Score Increased* 842 138311/1/2021 11:38:29 AM
1970583009 Added 525 5412/8/2020 3:16:58 PM
0231474003 Removed -131 162/8/2020 3:16:57 PM
0231474003 Slot Score Increased* 31 1472/4/2020 11:08:05 AM
0761874002 Slot Score Reduced* -1 1163/9/2017 6:06:02 PM
0231474003 Added 100 1176/4/2015 11:42:07 AM
0629570002 Removed -300 176/4/2015 11:37:30 AM
Initial Score 317 3173/25/2007 11:14:10 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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