CGC Registry

The Mad Titan

Set Type: Thanos Storyline (1973) Any Variant (Specialized)
Owner: Joshua Washington
Last Modified: 2/23/2022
Views: 520

Rank: 5
Score: 11920
Leading by: 4810
Points to Higher Rank: 1348
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1045725001 Slot Score Increased* 1879 119202/23/2022 9:57:09 AM
1022906005 Slot Score Increased* 560 1004111/2/2021 9:50:00 AM
1045738001 Slot Score Increased* 83 94812/18/2019 1:30:11 PM
1045739005 Slot Score Increased* 163 93982/18/2019 1:26:17 PM
1045739007 Slot Score Increased* 57 92352/18/2019 12:22:30 PM
1045738007 Slot Score Increased* 204 91782/18/2019 12:20:04 PM
1045725001 Slot Score Increased* 3850 89749/25/2018 3:31:01 PM
1045738001 Slot Score Increased* 577 51241/29/2018 1:14:57 PM
1045739007 Slot Score Reduced* -1 45473/9/2017 6:18:43 PM
1045738007 Slot Score Reduced* -1 45483/9/2017 6:17:10 PM
1045739005 Slot Score Reduced* -1 45493/9/2017 6:07:02 PM
1045739003 Slot Score Reduced* -1 45503/9/2017 6:00:12 PM
1045725001 Added 3300 45515/20/2015 6:11:12 PM
1045725001 Slot Score Reduced* -1568 12515/20/2015 3:58:15 PM
Initial Score 2819 28195/2/2011 5:45:05 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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