CGC Registry

Adams/Palmer/Thomas Collection

Set Type: X-Men (1963) 1-66
Owner: darrinjames
Last Modified: 4/26/2023
Views: 375

Rank: 174
Score: 5574
Leading by: 109
Points to Higher Rank: 66
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0983134005 Slot Score Increased* 1540 55744/26/2023 3:22:41 PM
1061065001 Slot Score Increased* 65 40344/26/2023 3:21:48 PM
0983134005 Slot Score Increased* 315 39692/15/2022 4:59:17 PM
1061065001 Slot Score Reduced* -51 36545/15/2021 1:49:59 PM
1061065001 Slot Score Increased* 55 37055/15/2021 1:46:08 PM
1061065001 Slot Score Increased* 104 36505/12/2021 12:55:26 PM
0177039006 Slot Score Reduced* -60 35463/9/2017 6:08:11 PM
1011109003 Added 352 360610/15/2015 10:02:16 AM
1013250009 Slot Score Reduced* -123 28429/1/2015 3:03:49 PM
0132386024 Slot Score Reduced* -37 29659/1/2015 3:01:54 PM
0983134005 Slot Score Reduced* -139 30029/1/2015 3:01:53 PM
1011109002 Slot Score Reduced* -27 31419/1/2015 3:01:46 PM
1061065003 Slot Score Reduced* -60 31689/1/2015 3:01:45 PM
1061065001 Slot Score Reduced* -8 32289/1/2015 3:01:40 PM
1011109001 Slot Score Reduced* -60 32369/1/2015 3:01:34 PM
1061065005 Slot Score Reduced* -41 32969/1/2015 3:01:33 PM
0177039006 Removed -412 33371/28/2014 12:10:08 PM
1013250009 Added 825 37495/8/2013 11:58:51 AM
1013250009 Slot Score Reduced* -726 29245/8/2013 11:58:12 AM
1011109003 Slot Score Reduced* -412 36505/8/2013 11:57:08 AM
0177039006 Added 412 40621/9/2012 7:40:34 PM
1061065005 Added 275 36501/9/2012 7:40:30 PM
1016886004 Removed -250 33751/9/2012 7:40:28 PM
1061065003 Added 412 36251/9/2012 7:40:28 PM
0987486014 Removed -250 32131/9/2012 7:40:26 PM
1061065001 Added 55 34631/9/2012 7:40:26 PM
0132386024 Added 250 34086/19/2011 11:40:42 PM
0987486014 Added 250 31586/19/2011 11:40:40 PM
Initial Score 2908 29085/13/2011 7:14:31 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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