CGC Registry


Set Type: Strange Tales #1-#188 (1951) Timely
Owner: *NPCI*
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 356

Rank: 65
Score: 1030
Leading by: 64
Points to Higher Rank: 10
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1052217009 Slot Score Increased* 100 10304/25/2023 5:25:22 PM
1233245002 Slot Score Increased* 110 9304/18/2023 4:18:00 PM
1052224021 Slot Score Increased* 32 8205/12/2021 11:56:09 AM
1052224021 Slot Score Increased* 35 7881/14/2020 1:02:12 PM
0626954001 Slot Score Increased* 45 7531/14/2020 1:00:10 PM
1233245002 Slot Score Increased* 165 7083/14/2018 3:37:05 PM
1233245002 Slot Score Increased* 143 54311/20/2014 1:53:26 PM
1233245002 Added 132 4003/6/2014 4:50:34 PM
1037335001 Removed -108 2683/6/2014 4:50:34 PM
1037335001 Slot Score Increased* 97 3765/15/2013 2:23:32 PM
1052217009 Slot Score Increased* 20 2795/15/2013 10:02:24 AM
1037335001 Slot Score Reduced* -68 2595/15/2013 10:02:23 AM
1052224021 Slot Score Increased* 13 3275/15/2013 10:02:23 AM
0626954001 Slot Score Increased* 34 3145/15/2013 10:02:22 AM
0167191011 Slot Score Increased* 5 2805/15/2013 10:02:19 AM
1052224021 Added 15 2754/17/2012 11:51:20 PM
1052217009 Added 80 2604/17/2012 11:51:18 PM
1037335001 Added 79 1804/5/2012 3:30:37 PM
0626954001 Added 56 1013/2/2012 12:17:30 AM
0167191011 Added 45 453/2/2012 12:17:28 AM
Initial Score 0 03/2/2012 12:16:28 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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