CGC Registry

Life After the Howling Commandos

Set Type: Nick Fury #1-#18 (1968)
Owner: midnightbomber what bombs at midnight
Last Modified: 1/21/2019
Views: 529

Rank: 54
Score: 640
Leading by: 3
Points to Higher Rank: 41
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0106426006 Removed -180 6401/21/2019 8:50:40 AM
0959829008 Removed -90 8205/4/2015 8:52:38 AM
0986854011 Removed -188 9102/2/2015 8:50:10 AM
0956493011 Added 180 10988/6/2012 5:28:16 PM
0078130003 Added 370 9187/10/2012 8:59:38 AM
0078130003 Slot Score Reduced* -360 5487/10/2012 8:59:20 AM
0986854011 Added 188 9083/11/2012 5:34:37 PM
0959829008 Added 90 7203/11/2012 5:34:36 PM
0095388002 Added 90 6303/11/2012 5:34:34 PM
0106426006 Added 180 5403/11/2012 5:34:33 PM
0078130003 Added 360 3603/11/2012 5:34:31 PM
Initial Score 0 03/11/2012 5:33:56 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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