CGC Registry

Starman221 Showcase (FLASH) (GL)

Set Type: Showcase #1-#104
Owner: starman221
Last Modified: 4/18/2023
Views: 923

Rank: 4
Score: 49084
Leading by: 8309
Points to Higher Rank: 4868
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0978364002 Slot Score Increased* 4325 490844/18/2023 3:31:55 PM
0709906003 Slot Score Increased* 16500 447594/18/2023 3:30:40 PM
0047787002 Removed -750 282593/20/2015 8:53:02 PM
1127195014 Added 777 290092/28/2015 8:29:39 AM
0009512001 Removed -777 282322/28/2015 8:29:38 AM
1098315004 Added 1400 290091/23/2015 6:04:01 AM
0914429016 Added 111 276091/23/2015 6:04:00 AM
0047787002 Added 750 274981/23/2015 6:04:00 AM
0970678010 Removed -210 267481/23/2015 6:04:00 AM
0626796007 Added 354 269581/23/2015 6:04:00 AM
0241564010 Added 1323 266041/23/2015 6:03:59 AM
0914429016 Removed -111 252811/23/2015 6:02:54 AM
0914429016 Added 111 253921/19/2015 7:41:46 PM
0970678010 Added 210 252819/25/2012 4:39:02 AM
0959997008 Added 305 250719/25/2012 4:39:01 AM
0109424049 Added 431 247669/25/2012 4:38:59 AM
0970678008 Removed -103 243359/25/2012 4:38:59 AM
1097483011 Added 578 244389/25/2012 4:38:59 AM
0626796007 Removed -354 238609/25/2012 4:38:58 AM
1041682005 Added 179 242149/25/2012 4:38:58 AM
0978364002 Added 1875 240359/3/2012 8:59:28 AM
Initial Score 22160 2216012/28/2010 11:46:52 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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