CGC Registry

[Captain America v1]

Set Type: Captain America #100-#454
Owner: hermster
Last Modified: 2/15/2022
Views: 452

Rank: 52
Score: 2874
Leading by: 88
Points to Higher Rank: 263
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1188415002 Slot Score Increased* 1334 28742/15/2022 12:08:34 PM
1188415002 Added 1452 154010/6/2015 5:03:47 PM
1188415002 Slot Score Reduced* -1100 8810/6/2015 3:10:10 PM
0246006001 Slot Score Increased* 49 11885/14/2015 11:01:42 AM
0246006001 Added 39 11393/24/2015 9:09:27 PM
1241712003 Removed -39 11003/24/2015 9:09:26 PM
1241712003 Added 39 113912/9/2014 3:32:37 AM
1188415002 Added 1100 11001/3/2014 4:47:20 AM
1023239014 Removed -1000 10001/3/2014 4:47:19 AM
1023239014 Added 1000 10002/26/2013 2:46:42 AM
Initial Score 0 02/19/2013 4:18:01 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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