CGC Registry

1st Dr. Strange and Pepper Potts

Set Type: Strange Tales #101-#188
Owner: jimmcstunna
Last Modified: 1/15/2024
Views: 243

Rank: 59
Score: 4551
Leading by: 141
Points to Higher Rank: 69
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
3741222001 Removed -2750 45511/15/2024 1:36:15 AM
1188335002 Slot Score Increased* 132 73014/18/2023 4:18:00 PM
3741222001 Slot Score Increased* 2062 716911/1/2021 1:44:21 PM
1207894001 Slot Score Increased* 1900 510711/1/2021 1:42:00 PM
3741222001 Added 688 32071/16/2021 5:14:03 AM
2543480001 Added 514 25194/18/2020 8:26:33 PM
1207894001 Slot Score Increased* 300 20052/4/2020 11:36:31 AM
1325521001 Slot Score Increased* 401 17055/4/2018 11:49:26 AM
1188335002 Slot Score Increased* 198 13043/14/2018 3:37:05 PM
1207894001 Slot Score Increased* 495 11061/29/2018 2:55:58 PM
1207894001 Added 105 6113/21/2016 8:06:56 PM
1325521001 Added 176 5061/12/2016 8:06:01 PM
1188335002 Slot Score Increased* 172 33011/20/2014 1:53:26 PM
1188335002 Added 158 1586/26/2013 6:53:22 PM
Initial Score 0 05/15/2013 2:46:06 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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