CGC Registry

Star All-Stars

Set Type: All Star Comics #1-#57 (1940)
Owner: quicksilver
Last Modified: 11/12/2019
Views: 412

Rank: 26
Score: 10417
Leading by: 1489
Points to Higher Rank: 1250
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
2081177003 Added 2167 1041711/6/2019 3:17:31 AM
1162373029 Removed -92 82505/10/2019 6:52:10 AM
0271190004 Removed -420 83425/10/2019 6:52:10 AM
0157252001 Removed -177 87625/10/2019 6:52:09 AM
0237473007 Removed -560 89395/10/2019 6:52:09 AM
0237473006 Removed -92 94995/10/2019 6:52:09 AM
0237473005 Removed -246 95915/10/2019 6:52:09 AM
0237473004 Removed -49 98375/10/2019 6:52:09 AM
0237474002 Removed -29 98865/10/2019 6:52:09 AM
0237474001 Removed -284 99155/10/2019 6:52:09 AM
0159426001 Slot Score Increased* 3570 101999/25/2018 3:08:08 PM
0159426001 Slot Score Reduced* -4519 66299/25/2018 3:05:36 PM
0159426001 Slot Score Reduced* -551 111489/25/2018 3:03:56 PM
0159426001 Slot Score Increased* 8775 116999/25/2018 3:03:48 PM
1162373029 Added 92 29243/17/2017 12:23:03 PM
0271190004 Added 420 28323/17/2017 12:23:02 PM
0157252001 Added 177 24123/17/2017 12:22:27 PM
0237473007 Added 560 22353/17/2017 12:20:04 PM
0237473006 Added 92 16753/17/2017 12:20:03 PM
0237473005 Added 246 15833/17/2017 12:20:02 PM
0237473004 Added 49 13373/17/2017 12:20:01 PM
0159426001 Added 975 12888/28/2014 6:42:15 AM
0237474002 Added 29 3138/28/2014 6:41:39 AM
0237474001 Added 284 2848/28/2014 6:41:38 AM
Initial Score 0 08/28/2014 6:40:51 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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