CGC Registry

n2wdw's Seduction of the Innocent

Set Type: Seduction of the Innocent Comics (Specialized)
Owner: n2wdw
Last Modified: 3/31/2021
Views: 508

Rank: 10
Score: 1557
Leading by: 875
Points to Higher Rank: 1621
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0215628004 Slot Score Increased* 346 15573/31/2021 4:31:01 PM
0273590004 Slot Score Increased* 336 12113/31/2021 4:27:04 PM
0273590004 Slot Score Increased* 73 8752/20/2019 9:35:14 AM
0215628004 Slot Score Increased* 302 80212/26/2018 1:38:21 PM
0273590004 Added 41 5003/11/2017 8:22:58 AM
0234026002 Added 87 4594/8/2015 10:14:46 AM
0215628004 Added 252 3724/8/2015 10:10:43 AM
0121078015 Added 120 1204/8/2015 10:10:01 AM
Initial Score 0 04/8/2015 10:09:05 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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