The Avengers (Vol.5) Prime
Avengers 9

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Comic Description: Avengers 9
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 1135871021
Owner: AlphaPrimeIan


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: The Avengers (Vol.5) Prime  Score: 25
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Synopsis: "Star Bound"

On Mars, Nightmask is asking Ex Nihilo for help. Abyss notices something is different and tries to scan Starbrand. He doesn’t like this and so blasts her into two. Fortunately Abyss’s wisp like status allows her to pull herself together and Nightmask permits her to scan him. It turns out the conflict isn’t within the heralds but is on the Earth itself. Ex Nihilo, comes clean and tells them that he had gotten bored of judging planets in the standard way so changed the rules this time. The origin bombs he threw way back in Avengers (Vol. 5) #1 weren’t just to evolve the people, but the Earth itself – to make it sentient! Each of the seven bombs housed a trait necessary for an evolving species – self-awareness, self-sustenance, self-repair, reproduction, communication, evolution and self-defence. Ex Nihilo says there is no way to stop it, “You can’t stop life without ending it”, and has no idea what will happen.

Meanwhile, the Avengers are about to travel to Mars to catch up with the wayward heralds when Tony Stark detects they have moved again – to the quarantined zone in Croatia (where the self-awareness bomb landed). Nightmask and Starbrand witness the pods present hatch into worm like creatures, which join together forming a complex structure, effectively the brain of the Earth. The Avengers turn up just in time to see the brain reach out to Nightmask and engulf him. Starbrand lets rip (just for a change!) and blasts the brain, killing the Earth. The Avengers have had enough and tell the heralds it has to end now. Nightmask asks Captain Universe for help, but she can’t – she warned him if he did this it would end with him in a box. The heralds aren’t going down without a fight and hold there own for quite some time, until the combined effects of Hyperion, Thor and Hulk stop Starbrand. Kevin calls truce, says he was holding back in the fight, he didn’t mean any of this to happen and he didn’t ask for any of it. Captain America knows this but says he still has to pay for his mistakes. Iron Man says they will help the heralds but for now the Earth will be safer with them not on it.

The final page shows Adam and Kevin in a space station (kinda a box I guess!).

Part 3 of 3 in the story arc "The Last White Event".

Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Dustin Weaver
Cover Artist: Dustin Weaver

Released: April 10,2013

Image #1

Image #2

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