CGC Registry

Will's older Batman

Set Type: Batman #301-#400
Owner: William R. Joyner
Last Modified: 10/17/2020
Views: 398

Rank: 41
Score: 338
Leading by: 2
Points to Higher Rank: 2
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
2502311001 Added 110 33810/17/2020 2:46:36 PM
2030708002 Removed -100 22810/17/2020 2:46:35 PM
2126488001 Added 220 32810/17/2020 2:37:54 PM
1326968001 Removed -83 10810/17/2020 2:37:53 PM
1326968001 Slot Score Increased* 1 19110/17/2020 1:42:46 PM
2030708002 Added 100 1906/6/2019 2:00:51 PM
1326968001 Slot Score Reduced* -1 903/9/2017 6:03:01 PM
1306060004 Added 8 912/16/2016 11:26:13 AM
1306060004 Slot Score Reduced* -8 832/16/2016 11:24:24 AM
1306060004 Slot Score Increased* 4 912/11/2016 2:31:41 PM
1326968001 Added 83 871/23/2016 1:11:14 PM
1306060004 Added 4 41/18/2016 12:37:25 PM
Initial Score 0 01/18/2016 12:36:46 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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