CGC Registry

What if what was the question??

Set Type: What If? (1977)
Owner: RMI High Tech
Last Modified: 8/31/2020
Views: 566

Rank: 15
Score: 481
Leading by: 81
Points to Higher Rank: 59
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0157445015 Removed -30 4818/31/2020 5:20:47 PM
1062274017 Added 72 5113/28/2019 4:03:21 AM
0965561017 Removed -65 4393/28/2019 4:03:21 AM
1250867011 Added 110 5043/28/2019 4:03:20 AM
2009053025 Added 70 3943/28/2019 4:01:56 AM
2009053024 Added 150 3243/28/2019 4:01:55 AM
0160897030 Removed -15 1743/28/2019 4:01:54 AM
0705989006 Added 75 1892/23/2014 7:21:29 AM
0965561017 Added 65 1143/7/2013 7:35:46 PM
0974570029 Added 4 495/3/2012 7:11:52 AM
Initial Score 45 451/21/2011 12:00:00 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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