CGC Registry

ASM V1&2 Complete Prime

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man v1&2 LEGACY
Owner: AlphaPrimeIan
Last Modified: 2/19/2025
Views: 363

Rank: 10
Score: 20027
Leading by: 476
Points to Higher Rank: 1462

Set Description:

"With great power, there must also come great responsibility." -- Uncle Ben

Peter Parker was orphaned at the age of six when his parents were killed in an airplane crash sabotaged by Finisher overseas. He went to live with his uncle and aunt, Ben and May Parker, in Forest Hills, New York. Parker was extremely bright and became a high honors student at Midtown High School. Parker's shyness and scholastic interest often made him a social outcast.

While attending a public exhibition demonstrating the safe handling of a nuclear laboratory waste materials, sponsored by the General Techtronics Corporation, Peter was bitten by a spider that had been irradiated by a particle accelerator used in the demonstration. Making his way home afterwards, Peter discovered that he had somehow gained incredible strength, agility, and the ability to climb walls; spider-like traits that he immediately associated with the spider bite.

Encountering an ad offering a cash prize for staying in the ring three minutes with a professional wrestler, Peter decided this would be a good way to test his powers. Wearing a mask to avoid potential embarrassment, Peter easily defeated his opponent. A TV producer observed his performance and convinced him to go on television with his 'act.' Designing a costume and some wrist-mounted web-spinners, Peter called himself Spider-Man, becoming an immediate sensation.

Following his first TV appearance, Peter failed to act to stop an escaping thief, claiming that it was not his responsibility to do so. Peter forgot the incident as his fame rose, but one night he returned home to find his Uncle Ben had been murdered. Learning the police had the burglar responsible holed up in a warehouse, Peter easily captured him only to discover it was the same thief he had allowed to escape earlier. Filled with remorse, he realized that with power comes responsibility.
- Currently scanning covers and entering info. This will take along time.
- If there is anything LESS than a 9.8 in this set, that means I submitted it and it will be upgraded eventually.
- Update Aug,8/20: Just filled up this set and erased the old one.

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