CGC Registry

I'm Astonished About your Tale

Set Type: Astonishing Tales (1970) Any Variant
Owner: kaholo1256
Last Modified: 11/1/2021
Views: 631

Rank: 56
Score: 509
Leading by: 24
Points to Higher Rank: 12

Set Description:

What appealed to me most about this series really weren’t the characters within the tales. Kazar was different but honestly I just couldn’t get away from the whole Tarzan thing and it never really escalated more from looking at the cover.

Deathlok on the other hand was more interesting as this was more towards my liking, but even then never really ticked my fancy. What really drew me in to this set was that this was my father’s first and what I can say only attempt at getting me a more than $2 dollar comic. This was the comic he most likely paid….. $5 dollars for or whatever. It wasn’t from me going to the spinning rack or anything it was an actual comic he picked out because he had never seen one with a bag and board before and was even told it would be an amazing issue to have.

Since then I have taken this one to a Con and gained three important signatures on it and maybe one day will want to add a few more to this collection, but for now am fine with simply having the one. The biggest part of this Set, it is sentimental to me.

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